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Skull Base Surgery

When a tumor, aneurysm, or other abnormality develops in the base of your skull, it can impact your ability to move and think. Among other treatments, we specialize in minimally invasive surgery techniques like endoscopes and robotics to remove tumors or other growths and get you back to living the quality life you deserve. 

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Your expert care team

Learning that you need surgery can bring a wave of emotions. But we’re here to help you navigate these new waters with proper planning and a skilled, experienced team by your side. 

Depending on the location of your tumor or aneurysm, your team may include professionals from the following specialties: 

Our healthcare teams work closely together, sharing your health history, current condition, and treatment plan to ensure comprehensive coverage of all your healthcare needs.

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Your care team may recommend skull base surgery to treat tumors and other abnormalities along the skull base, ears and around the eyes, including:

Acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannoma)
Brain aneurysm
Orbital tumors
Pituitary tumors


Skull base surgery is usually just one part of a larger treatment plan that may include medication and radiation therapy

Types of skull base surgery

When performing skull base surgery, we prioritize minimizing your potential pain, risks, and recovery time. That's why our surgeons specialize in minimally invasive and endoscopic procedures. We can make surgical incisions roughly the size of a marble to remove tumors while sparing healthy tissue. Our tools include: 

If your tumor requires traditional, or "open" surgery, we’ll look after you in our neurosurgical intensive care unit. We specialize in helping people recover from brain surgery safely and comfortably.

James Krysanski, MD (Chief, Division of Epilepsy Surgery and Co-Chief, Division of Spine Surgery) consults with patient during a clinic appointment.
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Carl Heilman, MD and Haran Ramachandran, MD in a neurosurgery to remove three benign brain tumors from a patient.
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